According to the American Diabetes Association, one third of the US population has insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes, and that number is rapidly growing. I believe these stats are much higher due to unreported cases. It is the leading cause of all other metabolic chronic diseases.
What is Insulin?
Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar levels.
When you eat, carbohydrates in your food are broken down into glucose, which enters the bloodstream. In response, the pancreas releases insulin to help transport glucose from the bloodstream into the cells, where it can be used for energy.
What is Insulin Resistance?
Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition in which the cells in your body become less responsive to insulin.
In individuals with insulin resistance, cells become resistant to the effects of insulin. As a result, the pancreas compensates by producing more insulin to overcome this resistance. Initially, this elevated insulin production can keep blood sugar levels within a normal range. However, over time, the pancreas may struggle to maintain adequate insulin production, leading to high blood sugar levels and an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Insulin resistance manifests into different metabolic diseases within the body; all of these conditions stem from one root problem.
➡ Diabetes is Insulin Resistance of the Liver
➡ Heart Disease is Insulin Resistance of the Heart
➡ PCOS is Insulin Resistance of the Ovaries
➡ Alzheimer’s is Insulin Resistance of the Brain
Causes of Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance didn’t exist in children before 1980.
What changed?
The prevalence of insulin resistance has been worsened because of the following issues.
Processed Foods
Processed foods manufactured by big food corporations have been filled with fructose, seed oils, GMO grains, and artificial sweeteners while having the natural fiber extracted from the food; all of these factors increase insulin resistance at an accelerated rate. This is why:
- Fructose. Fructose is metabolized in the liver – different from glucose; it converts directly into liver fat instead of being utilized effectively for energy. Furthermore, it lowers ATP, which is energy in the cell’s mitochondria. All of these components lead to insulin resistance, elevated blood triglycerides, hypertension and high uric acid levels.
- Fiber. Fiber helps slow the rise in blood sugar when it is paired with carbs and natural sugars. In processed foods, the fiber is missing and the blood sugar spikes significantly, leading to a quicker onset of insulin resistance. On top of that, processed foods have added fructose and sugar which spikes the blood sugar and insulin in the body at an even higher rate.
- Seed oils. Seed oils including canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, rice bran oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, and peanut oil put the body in a pro-inflammatory state, worsening insulin resistance and other metabolic diseases.
- Artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners may not have calories, but they do increase cravings for more sugar and carbs, leading to overeating of the foods that cause insulin resistance. These sweeteners actually signal cravings for more sweets and processed foods, leading to increased caloric intake and worsened insulin resistance. Furthermore, these ingredients cause leaky gut and may back up the liver, hinder fat and protein metabolism, and contribute to fatty liver.
- Hyper palatable. Processed foods are extremely hyper palatable and blunt your normal taste buds, leading to overeating of sugar foods. In nature, fat and carbs don’t come together except for in nuts and dairy— two foods meant to “fatten up” the animal. Processed foods combine extreme sweet taste with a salt taste and fatty taste, leading to uncontrollable cravings.
- No amino acids. Because processed foods are absent of amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids from healthy protein, CCK, the hormone to shut off appetite, is not triggered, leading to overeating.
- Emulsifiers. These processed foods contain emulsifiers in them, bringing together fat and water to extend their shelf life. However, those emulsifiers destroy the mucosal lining of the gut, causing the sensory neurons to retract in the gut that measure incoming nutrients. As a consequence, the signals from CCK are shut down and never trigger a suppressed appetite. As a result, you end up wanting to eat more sugar-ladened foods, increasing insulin resistance. Your gut now fails to register the amino acids and fatty acids from the “healthy” food to signal satiety. They are limiting the gut’s ability to assess the nutrients and halt hunger.
- Gluten and grains. These ingredients not only cause leaky gut, but are usually ladened with glyphosate and GMOs which further destroy the gut microbiome, increase estrogen dominance, and steal nutrients from the body.
- Dopamine Dysregulation. Processed foods disrupt the brain’s dopamine regulation, creating strong sugar cravings through three distinct pathways, making sugar addiction challenging to overcome.
Radiation coming from non-ionizing and ionizing radiation increases insulin resistance in addition to attacking the nervous, endocrine, and hormonal systems, producing oxidative stress and free radical damage, attacking the DNA and leading to early onset dementia.
When the body is under “threat” from toxins and radiation, it has the propensity to flip the “switch” to “survival mode.” It lowers metabolic rate, increases insulin resistance in order to store more fat for emergency energy, stores the toxins and radiation in new and bigger fat cells for protection, and lowers ATP and energy. This radiation is coming from smartphones, 5G, smart meters, x-rays, EMFs, and more.
Increased toxicity
The toxic burden our bodies are dealing with is immeasurable compared to what our ancestors faced. The GMOs and glyphosate in our food supply, the lead, mercury and other heavy metals in our dental fillings, vaccinations, and water, and the fluoride, chloride and bromide in our food and water are all toxins that our ancestors didn’t contend with. These toxins back up the liver, contribute to hormonal disruption, cause the body to create new fat cells to encapsulate the toxins and worsen insulin resistance and obesity.
Spike protein
The spike protein is a component of the SARS-Co-V-2 virus that causes COVID-19. In addition to being responsible for the virus’s ability to infect human cells, it is causing worsened health conditions in the body including higher rates of insulin resistance. The ACE2 receptor is specifically affected and is responsible for insulin regulation in addition to hormonal balance, oxidative stress, water retention, and inflammation. Furthermore, it is causing an increase in cholesterol, gut issues, and mental illness – all factors that can indirectly increase insulin resistance.
Copper depletion
The widespread consumption of high-fructose and processed foods, coupled with the influence of the Spike Protein, has expedited the depletion of copper in many individuals. Fructose metabolism significantly contributes to copper depletion, and the Spike Protein independently plays a role in depleting copper levels.
Copper plays a crucial role in reducing uric acid, a key factor in preventing Insulin Resistance. Copper achieves this through various mechanisms:
- Blocking the Polyol Pathway. Copper inhibits the Polyol Pathway, a route that converts glucose into sorbitol and fructose. Without sufficient copper, uric acid levels rise, leading to insulin resistance and obesity.
- Regulating Triglycerides and Liver Fat. Copper helps maintain healthy levels of triglycerides and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver, a factor in insulin resistance.
- Iron Regulation. Copper regulates iron levels in the blood, addressing the root cause of oxidative stress. By reducing oxidative stress, copper helps lower uric acid levels and mitigate insulin resistance.
Insulin Resistance and Leptin Resistance
Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells and plays a crucial role in regulating appetite and energy balance. It helps to signal the brain when the body has enough energy stored in the form of fat and helps regulate food intake and energy expenditure. When leptin levels are high, it signals to the brain that the body is satiated, reducing hunger and increasing metabolism.
Leptin resistance occurs when the body’s cells become less responsive to the effects of leptin, similar to insulin resistance. This resistance can lead to disrupted signaling between the body and the brain, causing a person to overeat and leading to weight gain and obesity. Leptin resistance is often associated with excess body fat, especially abdominal fat.
Insulin resistance and leptin resistance can be interconnected in several ways. Insulin resistance can contribute to the development of leptin resistance by impairing the signaling pathways involved in leptin sensitivity. When insulin resistance is present, it can disrupt the normal function of leptin, leading to reduced effectiveness of its appetite-regulating signals.
Additionally, leptin resistance can also contribute to insulin resistance. When leptin signaling is impaired, it can lead to increased appetite and overeating, which can contribute to weight gain and obesity. Excess body fat, especially in the abdominal area, is associated with higher insulin resistance.
Insulin Resistance and Fructose
The consumption of fructose, particularly in the form of added sugars, has been linked to the development of Insulin Resistance. Fructose is a type of sugar found naturally in fruits, vegetables, and honey; these are not the foods that cause the problems. It is the fructose used as a sweetener in many processed foods and beverages, such as sodas, candies, crackers, breads, and desserts that lead to Insulin Resistance and metabolic disease. What’s more, fructose and other hidden sugars are even in packaged dairy, meats and other “healthy” food.
When we consume fructose, it is primarily metabolized by the liver. Unlike glucose, which is readily taken up by most cells in the body and used as a source of energy, fructose metabolism primarily occurs in the liver. The excessive consumption of fructose can overwhelm the liver’s capacity to process it, leading to several metabolic effects that can contribute to Insulin Resistance:
- Increased liver fat. Excess fructose consumption can promote the accumulation of fat in the liver, a condition known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The presence of liver fat can interfere with insulin signaling and contribute to Insulin Resistance. Insulin Resistance at the Liver is what leads to Diabetes.
- Elevated triglycerides. Fructose consumption can increase the production of triglycerides in the liver. High levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream are associated with Insulin Resistance and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Impaired insulin signaling. Fructose has been shown to disrupt insulin signaling pathways in various tissues. It can interfere with the normal functioning of insulin receptors, leading to decreased insulin sensitivity and impaired glucose uptake by cells.
- Increased uric acid levels. Fructose metabolism can raise uric acid levels in the blood. High uric acid levels have been associated with Insulin Resistance and an increased risk of metabolic disorders. Uric acid also causes copper to chelate out of the body at an accelerated rate; low bioavailable copper causes iron accumulation in the liver that leads to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Low copper also causes high triglycerides and cholesterol.
It is important to note that fructose from whole fruits, which also contain fiber and other nutrients, is not typically a concern for insulin resistance. The negative effects of fructose consumption are more related to the excessive intake of added sugars, often found in processed foods and beverages.
Top Three Supplements to Help Reverse Insulin Resistance Naturally
Insulin resistance can be reversed. Reversing insulin resistance will help your overall health to improve significantly, so it is well worth taking the important steps to reverse insulin resistance, especially if your diet is high in processed foods and artificial sugars. Adding these supplements to your daily routine can help to significantly reverse insulin resistance naturally.
Accelerated Fast® flips the body into a state of ketosis, burning its own body fat for fuel; this helps reduce insulin resistance (and uric acid), in a few different ways:
The additional ingredients in Accelerated Fast® convert the saturated liver fat into unsaturated fat which is easier for the body to burn and utilize for energy. This accelerates the reduction of liver fat, and, in turn, reduces insulin resistance and uric acid.
- It suppresses cravings for sugar, fructose and processed foods; these are the foods that increase insulin resistance, fatty liver, uric acid and fat gain.
- It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body which helps improve insulin sensitivity.
- It teaches the body to burn its own fat stores effectively and quickly while maintaining healthy muscle.
- It increases ATP in the mitochondria (true cellular energy) by 10 times the amount produced when consuming sugar. This is in stark contrast to how fructose in processed foods actually LOWERS ATP and steals energy from the cells.
2. Accelerated Scalar Copper™
Copper operates through various pathways to combat insulin resistance, uric acid levels, and obesity:
- Inhibition of the Polyol Pathway. Copper effectively hinders the polyol pathway, responsible for converting glucose into sorbitol and fructose. This mechanism maintains a balanced level of uric acid, preventing insulin resistance and excess weight gain.
- Regulation of Triglycerides and Liver Fat. Copper plays a crucial role in keeping triglycerides and liver fat at optimal levels. Elevated levels of fatty liver and triglycerides are major contributors to insulin resistance.
- Essential for Fat Metabolism. The body’s ability to metabolize fat relies on copper. It is a vital element in fat metabolism, ensuring proper breakdown and utilization.
- Inhibition of PDE3 Enzyme. Copper acts by inhibiting the PDE3 enzyme, which tends to obstruct fat-burning. By blocking PDE3, copper promotes effective fat-burning mechanisms.
- Improves Fat Cell Metabolism. Cellular copper levels impact the processing of main metabolic fuels in fat cells, like fat and sugar. Adequate copper levels help maintain healthy fat cell processing, preventing excessive fat accumulation.
- Promotion of Fat Burning. Copper actively stimulates mechanisms that enhance fat burning within the body.
- Regulation of Iron and Oxidative Stress. Copper’s regulatory role extends to iron in the blood, a fundamental factor in oxidative stress. By reducing oxidative stress, copper indirectly contributes to maintaining uric acid levels within a healthy range.
Accelerated Scalar Copper® is the only liquid copper supplement with 100% absorption (vs 5-10% in other supplements), made with proprietary Scalar technology and enhanced with frequencies for increased healing and efficacy.
3. Acceleradine® Iodine
Accumulation of uric acid is partially attributed to liver overload. Acceleradine® Iodine supports liver and blood cleansing, mitigating liver congestion due to uric acid and insulin resistance. Moreover, Acceleradine® Iodine boosts metabolism, enhances fat oxidation, regulates blood sugar, balances hormones, and promotes cellular hydration. These effects collectively help in mitigating elevated insulin resistance and uric acid levels.
Acceleradine® stands out as a monatomic and radiation-free iodine, boasting 100% absorption and enriched with scalar frequencies to facilitate cellular detoxification from toxins and radiation across the body’s 100 trillion cells. It actively contributes to repairing DNA damage caused by the Spike Protein. This sets it apart from most iodine supplements sourced from toxic iodine origins, which can exacerbate the body’s toxic load.
Additional Supplements to Enhance Results
Accelerated Ancient Salt™
Accelerated Ancient Salt® not only lowers blood sugar in the short term, but it also plumps up the blood to flush out toxins, hydrate the cells, support apoptosis, break down fats in the liver, improve digestion, and dilute the uric acid. Furthermore, it helps reduce sugar and processed food cravings.
It provides over 62 minerals, which helps INTRACELLULAR hydration; most salts are stripped of most minerals, leaving only sodium microplastics, which cause inflammation.
Liver Flush Cleanse
Diabetes comes from insulin resistance in the liver. The liver is responsible for fat metabolism, optimal thyroid function, and optimal detoxification— all factors that contribute to reversing insulin resistance, fatty liver, and obesity. The supplements in the Liver Flush Cleanse soften liver stones and prep the liver to release those stones into the toilet! As a result, insulin sensitivity, detoxification, fat burning, and metabolic rate increase.
The Liver Flush Cleanse also helps to:
- Minimize Uric Acid Levels and Enhance Insulin Sensitivity
- Facilitate Efficient Protein and Fat Metabolism
- Alleviate Aches, Cramping, and Inflammation
- Reduce AST and ALT Liver Enzyme Levels
- Regenerate Impaired Liver Cells with Healthy Ones
- Reverse Fatty Liver Condition
- Detoxify the Body by Eliminating Myriads of Toxins and Contaminants
- Clear out Unhealthy Cholesterol Buildup
- Remove Blockages in the Liver and Gallbladder
- Enhance Immune System Functionality
- Enable Regeneration of the Liver and Gallbladder
Berberine HCL
Berberine is known to help manage insulin resistance and diabetes like the medication Metformin; it supports normal glucose and fat metabolism, maintaining low insulin and blood glucose levels. When blood sugar spikes too quickly and too often, it leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. With Berberine, the body is able to maintain more even blood sugar levels and reverse insulin resistance. Berberine has been shown to be just as effective as Metformin without side effects. The HCL helps digestion, which in turn helps nutrient absorption.
NucNoMore® helps rid the body of all ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. By reducing the radiation damage done to the cells, insulin resistance may reverse.
Additional Ways To Reverse Insulin Resistance
Exercise around meal time
Walking before or after a meal will help lower blood sugar and insulin, increase fat oxidation, and reduce cortisol; all of these factors encourage healthy insulin resistance and diabetes reversal.
Increase protein intake
Consuming 1-1.2 grams of wild animal protein per pound of desired lean body mass will not only help improve insulin resistance and fatty liver, but it will eliminate cravings for processed foods and sugar, satisfy your appetite, build lean muscle mass, eliminate bloat, heal the gut, and keep you in a fat-burning state. Protein will trigger the hormone CCK (which suppresses appetite), supports lean muscle gains, and increases glucagon, the “fat burning” hormone.
Wild animal proteins including lamb, bison, deer, grass-fed beef, elk, wild salmon, arctic char, and other wild fish provide all of the essential amino acids, high omega 3 fatty acids, collagen, and essential vitamins like vitamin D, E, and vitamin B’s that are necessary for supporting the body’s nutritional needs. Prioritizing wild protein in the diet will increase the glucagon-to-insulin ratio, which lowers insulin resistance and triggers increased fat burn.
Furthermore, abstaining from chicken, poultry and conventional beef will minimize the inflammatory proteins called amyloids in the body. Amyloids are proteins found in conventional meats that increase liver inflammation and gut pathogens, trip up fat burning mechanisms, and increase brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Limit vegetables, grains, and beans
Most grains and beans are not only full of GMOs but also are high in carbohydrates which increase insulin resistance. They also are known to cause leaky gut, extract nutrients from the body, and inhibit proper nutrient absorption. Furthermore, certain vegetables, grains, and beans have oxalates, sulfur, or lectins that cause disrupted detoxification and liver function. By eliminating all beans, all grains, and certain vegetables according to the Accelerated Food Guide, the gut will heal, proper nutrient absorption will be achieved, and cravings for sugar will be minimized.
Once the gut is healed and insulin resistance is achieved, you can start incorporating these vegetables again.
Eliminate processed foods
Processed foods increase insulin resistance in FIVE ways:
- Processed foods are extremely hyper palatable and blunt your normal taste buds, leading to overeating of more processed foods.
- Because processed foods are absent of amino acids and omega 3 fatty acids from healthy protein, CCK, the hormone to suppress appetite, is not triggered, leading to uncontrollable eating of more processed foods.
- Processed foods have been stripped of fiber that slows the blood sugar rise in the body; as a result, the blood sugar spikes are exaggerated, leading to insulin resistance.
- Processed foods contain emulsifiers that destroy the mucosal lining of the gut, causing the sensory neurons that measure incoming nutrients to be destroyed. As a consequence, the signals from CCK are shut down and never trigger a suppressed appetite, leading to the consumption of more sugar-ladened foods and increasing insulin resistance.
- Processed foods also alter the brain’s ability to regulate dopamine which also significantly increases sugar cravings in multiple ways.
Eliminate fake sweeteners
Fake sweeteners such as aspartame, saccharin, dextrose, maltitol and erythritol not only raise blood sugar, trigger an insulin response, and stimulate cravings for real sugar and carbs, but also wreak havoc on the gut microbiome. As a result, leaky gut surfaces and bloat, constipation and malabsorption may ensue. Monk fruit and stevia are less problematic in limited amounts; however, they can back up the liver as well.
Use acids
Adding lemon, lime and apple cider vinegar may help control blood glucose and insulin. Not only that, but they don’t break a fast or kick the body out of ketosis during a fasting window.
Eat protein and fibrous vegetables first
By eating wild animal protein first, the appetite signals to control overeating become optimized, and the dense nutrients satisfy the body’s nutrient needs quickly. Moreover, this will slow the rise of blood sugar and insulin compared to when carbs are eaten initially and spike the blood sugar. As you blunt the rise and fall of blood sugar, insulin resistance and diabetes may reverse.
X39 Stem Cell Activation Patches
These patches increase your own stem cell production and reset over 4,000 genes to a younger state, including the genes responsible for fat burning, preventing muscle wasting and improving insulin sensitivity. While using X39, fatty liver and diabetes reversal results from the Ascent Diet Cleanse will be enhanced.
X49 Patch
The X49 patch helps reduce body fat and liver fat while increasing muscle mass; these factors will help insulin resistance to reverse. Furthermore, the X49 helps increase energy and recovery after exercise, improving cardiovascular function and focus, increasing muscle tone and strength, and strengthening bone density. The X49 enhances health results when combined with the Accelerated Diet Cleanse.
Energy Enhancer Patches
These patches enhance caloric burn, fat loss, and metabolic rate–all aspects that will improve insulin sensitivity. They are known to burn an additional 300 calories daily. They do this by increasing ATP in the mitochondria, increasing fat oxidation, increasing heart rate variability, improving the bioelectrical measurement or “phase angle” or integrity of the cell walls, reducing inflammation, and increasing endurance.
As a plus, the Energy Enhancer Patches increase fat burning and muscle growth. They work synergistically with the Accelerated Fast®™ to effectively burn body fat and liver fat while tapping into an endless supply of energy. All of these factors work synergistically with the Accelerated Diet Cleanse to reverse insulin resistance and fatty liver disease. Additionally, adding these patches to the Accelerated Diet Cleanse improves digestion and circulation which benefit nutrient absorption for a healthier gut.
Measure with Lumen®
Lumen® uses a combination of patented algorithms, CO2 sensors, flow meters, barometric pressure, and temperature sensing technology, to determine whether you are burning carbs or fat for fuel. This gives you insight into how to reduce your insulin resistance.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.