Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse Program

by Sara Banta | Sep 6, 2023 | AHP News

It seems like now, more than ever, you can’t get away with what you used to when it comes to food, drink, lack of exercise and even a lack of sleep. Your body is screaming at you to change something. Is it time for a detox cleanse?

Why the Need to Detox has Increased?

There are a few hidden factors that have caused accelerated aging, increased inflammation, brain fog, low energy, weight gain and more. 

Increased Radiation & EMF exposure

Exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, whether from medical procedures, environmental sources, 5G, smartphones and devices, or smart meters, can have various side effects depending on the level of exposure and duration. These side effects can be acute (immediate) or chronic (long-term).
Acute effects may include radiation sickness, which manifests with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, increased insulin and blood sugar, weight gain, and skin burns. In severe cases, it can lead to organ damage or failure.

Chronic exposure to radiation may increase the risk of developing cancer, particularly if the radiation dose is high or sustained over an extended period. Other long-term effects can include damage to tissues and organs, cataracts, fertility issues and an increased risk of genetic mutations in offspring.

Halogen Toxicity

Halogens are a group of chemical elements that include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and astatine. While these elements are essential for various industrial, medical, and household applications, they can also have adverse side effects when encountered in certain contexts. 

These elements fill the iodine receptor that sits in the thyroid and throughout the body, creating issues like hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalances, brain fog, depression, anxiety, headaches and chronic disease.  

Furthermore, exposure to halogens like chlorine and bromine in high concentrations can irritate the respiratory system, eyes, and skin, leading to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and skin rashes. Chlorine, commonly used for water disinfection, can form harmful byproducts when it reacts with organic matter, potentially posing health risks.

Processed Food

We have been sold on the fact that processed food is real food; it’s not. 62 percent of adult diets and 67 percent of children’s diets consist of processed foods. The combination of added sugars, added artificial sweeteners, GMO ingredients, lack of fiber and protein and added emulsifiers creates a firestorm that destroys health. 

The side effects of eating processed foods include:

    • Addiction to Sugar. Added sugar in processed foods trigger a dopamine response, just like an addicted drug or behavior does.  As a result, we develop a subconscious addiction to sugar, with the brain craving sugar again and again just to feel normal.
    • Fatty Liver. The added fructose in processed foods gets immediately converted into liver fat and is actually not ever used for energy. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the fastest growing disease in the United States in children and adults. Fatty liver disease is a disease that used to only occur in alcoholics. Processed foods are the source of this issue.
    • High Uric Acid.  Processed foods and fructose cause an increase in uric acid throughout the body. This exacerbates the propensity of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
    • Insulin Resistance. The added fructose and artificial sweeteners combined with a lack of fiber and protein in processed foods exponentially increase the rate of insulin resistance occurring in children and adults. 
    • Leaky Gut. Processed foods create holes in the intestinal lining in addition to destroying the appetite suppressant hormones in the gut. This creates an increased appetite for the exact foods that cause even more GUT issues, resulting in Leaky Gut.
    • Anxiety and Depression. Due to the high amounts of sugar in processed foods, a roller coaster of blood sugar levels may lead to anxiety and depression. Additionally, the hormones needed for mood stabilization are produced in the gut; as the processed foods destroy the gut lining, it destroys the gut’s ability to produce these hormones, leading to depression and anxiety.
    • Brain Fog. Processed foods are filled with inflammatory sugars, seed oils, and artificial ingredients that “inflame” the brain and lead to brain fog, ADHD, memory issues and more.


The increased exposure to bad estrogens in the environment from tap water, sugar, conventionally raised meat, poultry and dairy, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, parabens, birth control, soy, and GMOs have burdened our detoxification pathways, leading to estrogen dominance and higher rates of chronic disease. 

As a result, the liver becomes clogged and has a difficult time producing the essential estrogen binding protein to negate the damage done by this excess estrogen. Symptoms include unexplained weight gain, brain fog, man boobs in men, bloat, water retention, fatigue, constipation, slow metabolism, and even cancer.

Spike Protein

The spike protein has affected all of us and disrupted the function of the liver by disrupting the conversion of the ACE2 receptor. When this happens, it can lead to symptoms including unexplained weight gain, water retention, dysregulated insulin, brain fog, infertility and inflammation.


Oxalates are in many “healthy” foods and they get deposited in your tissues, organs and bones. The most obvious foods high in oxalates include spinach, almonds, kale, beans, grains, bran, seeds, peanuts, beets, potatoes, chocolate, turmeric, and cumin. Oxalates can lead to hypothyroidism, unexplained weight gain, joint pain, urogenital issues, damaged skin, gout, arthritis, swelling and systemic inflammation.

The Wrong Protein

Proteins such as chicken, turkey, pork, and conventionally raised beef contain amyloid proteins. These proteins are misfolded proteins that the liver cannot break down into amino acids and use for building and repairing tissues, muscles and organs. What’s more, the amyloids protect “bad” pathogens such as candida, fungus, E. Coli and salmonella.  This leads to dysbiosis or leaky gut and suppresses the immune system.

The Best Detox for a Gentle Detox

Sara Banta’s Accelerated Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse is a 30 day gentle detox cleanse program professionally designed and health practitioners recommended to help rid the body of toxins, increase energy and give your immune system a boost.

Supplements with the cleanse include:

Acceleradine® Iodine

Iodine is the vital “Metabolic Mineral” renowned for its unparalleled ability to ignite metabolism, boost energy levels, activate the immune system, and fortify overall health.

Acceleradine® stands as the pinnacle of iodine supplementation, setting new standards in purity and effectiveness. It is the sole monatomic iodine free from radiation, and it harnesses Scalar charge to neutralize harmful radiation within the body. Unlike other iodine supplements, Acceleradine® boasts an astonishing 100% absorption rate, making it non-toxic and supremely efficient.

By providing your thyroid with the precise iodine it needs, Acceleradine® simultaneously initiates a comprehensive detoxification process within every cell of your body, ridding them of harmful substances like Fluoride, Chlorine, Bromide, Radioactive Iodine, and more. Due to this detoxification, it is advisable to start slowly.

Accelerated Colloidal Silver™

With our exclusive Proprietary Scalar Technology, Accelerated Colloidal Silver® takes silver supplementation to unprecedented levels of natural health prowess. Renowned for its ability to neutralize viruses, bacteria, candida, fungi, and all known blood-borne pathogens, this silver elixir offers an unparalleled healing experience. 

Accelerated Thyroid®

Accelerated Thyroid® has combined advanced glandular therapy with an ancient herbal formula of Kanchnara Guggul to create an overall supportive combination for thyroid health. It has then undergone a transformative Bio Energetic enhancement process, harnessing the potential of our exclusive Scalar Field Technology to infuse targeted health patterns into the product.

Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder


Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder is your essential companion, designed to absorb and eliminate toxins released during the Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse, as well as those expelled when using Accelerated Colloidal Silver™ and Acceleradine® iodine. This powerful formula not only aids in achieving bowel movement regularity and alleviating bloat but also rids your system of toxins accumulated over the years.

QuintEssential 0.9

QuintEssential 0.9 is a unique formulation comprising an impressive array of up to 78 bioavailable ionic minerals. These minerals offer a replenishing experience for your cells, akin to the mineral-rich bath that has nourished life on Earth for millions of years.

By providing this essential nourishment, it facilitates proper cell hydration, aids in improving leaky gut issues, and enhances digestion. Remarkably, QuintEssential 0.9 mirrors the precise mineral balance found in your blood plasma.


MegaSporeBiotic™ is a cutting-edge probiotic blend consisting of 5 resilient Bacillus spores renowned for their ability to uphold a healthy gut barrier and support robust immune function. These Bacillus spores possess a bi-phasic life cycle, enabling them to remain dormant until they reach the human gastrointestinal tract.

Once they reach the large intestine, these dormant spores undergo a transformation, shifting into their active, vegetative forms, and initiating colonization within the gut.

This distinctive probiotic formulation prioritizes the reconditioning of the gut rather than the traditional approach of reseeding with probiotic strains that struggle to survive digestion or establish a lasting presence in the gut.

MegaSporeBiotic™ is designed to foster the balance between “bad” bacteria and “good” bacteria within the gut. It has been scientifically demonstrated to assist in managing bacteria like E. Coli, Salmonella, H. Pylori, and more, promoting gut health and overall well-being.

Ready to get started?

Learn more about how the supplements work and what’s involved in the 30-Day Anytime Reset Detox Cleanse Program

Sara Banta
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Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.

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Hi, I’m Sara Banta!
I’m a certified natural supplement expert, podcaster, Health Coach, and natural wellness expert. Each week I publish articles on the latest in cutting-edge health supplements and natural health solutions. I also interview leading experts across a wide range of health topics to transform your body, mind & spirit. I’m also the Founder of Accelerated Health Products. Join my mailing list and receive 10% off your first order.