The Average Menopause Age

by Sara Banta | Jan 23, 2023 | AHP News, Hormones, Menopause

As women enter their 40s, they notice changes in the way they feel, their ability to burn fat, their ability to maintain lean muscle, changes in mood, and more. This is related to the transition into Perimenopause and Menopause. But what is the average menopause age?

Menopause Transition Age

Typically, menopause age is connected to the onset of puberty; the earlier the body experiences puberty, the earlier the body experiences menopause. With all of the xeno-estrogens, birth control, and toxicity in the environment and food, the early onset of puberty is occurring more and more. This will cause the next generation of females to experience earlier menopause. With higher rates of precocious puberty, more estrogen accumulates over the lifetime leading to higher rates of cancer.

The transition into menopause often begins between ages 45 and 55 and the average age of menopause is 51.

How Long Does Menopause Last?

Menopause usually lasts around seven years but for some can last as long as 14. The duration can depend on lifestyle factors including diet, exercise, smoking, race, and ethnicity.

Facts about Perimenopause

Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause when hormones start to decline. It can begin 8-10 years before menopause when the ovaries gradually produce less estrogen and progesterone. During this time, the body uses energy differently, meaning fat cells may increase and the body has a more difficult time burning fat and may gain weight more easily. The hormonal shift may also affect bone and heart health, and body composition may shift.

Perimenopause lasts up until menopause when the ovaries stop releasing eggs. In the last 1-2 years of perimenopause, the drop in estrogen quickens. The body may still have menstrual cycles during this time and can still get pregnant.

What is Menopause

True menopause occurs when the body stops producing the necessary hormones that cause the menstrual period. At this point, the ovaries stop releasing eggs and stop producing most of their estrogen. Menopause can be triggered by a hysterectomy or removal of the uterus or ovaries and not taking hormones, symptoms of menopause will usually surface immediately.

What is Postmenopause

Postmenopause describes the time after someone has gone through menopause. The menstrual cycle has been absent for longer than 12 consecutive months. The body is no longer ovulating. The menopause symptoms usually become milder or go away completely. However, some people continue to experience symptoms for 10 years or longer.
The ovaries are making little of both estrogen and progesterone.

Signs of Menopause

      • Change in menstrual cycle. They may become shorter or longer; they may consist of more or less blood.
      • Hot Flashes. Hot flashes may be related to changes in estrogen levels. It is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part of your body; the face and neck may become flushed while red blotches may appear on the chest, back and arms. These hot flashes can be accompanied by heavy sweating and cold shivering.
      • Sleep problems
      • Mood Changes
      • Weight Gain
      • Slowed Metabolism
      • Vaginal Dryness
      • Urinary Urgency
      • Breast Tenderness
      • Weight Gain
      • Hair Loss
      • Memory and Concentration issues
      • Low Libido

Risks with Menopause

As hormones shift and toxicity of the bad estrogens in the body increase with menopause, the health risks increase. The body’s natural ability to detox during menopause declines; this leads to:

    • Increased risk of cancer, including breast cancer
    • Increased risk of stroke and heart disease
    • Increased risk of candida overgrowth by 8 times more than normal; estrogen feeds yeast and candida
    • Hair Loss
    • Fatigue
    • Weight Gain
    • Sagging Skin

How Long Do Menopause Symptoms Last?

Menopause symptoms can last up to 10 years, but most people experience symptoms for less than 5. The symptoms can be connected to genetics, diet, and lifestyle.

Why Does Menopause Occur?

As the female body ages, the reproductive cycle begins to slow down and eventually halt. We are not meant to be fit parents later in life; nature takes care of this by stopping the reproductive system. The reproductive system has been functioning since puberty; typically the earlier you start puberty, the earlier you will start menopause.

Supplements to Help Ease Menopause Symptoms

With lifestyle changes and the right supplements, it is possible to significantly reduce the symptoms of menopause.  The following supplements are key to easing the sometimes debilitating symptoms of menopause.

Acceleradine® Iodine

Iodine is used by the endocrine system to regulate estrogen production. A study shows 96% of test subjects in America were found to be extremely iodine deficient. Additionally, iodine is used to clean the blood so the liver can do its job in producing the Estrogen Binding Protein. Iodine also helps break up a fatty liver and without it, the risk of fatty liver will increase.

Accelerated Ancient Salt™

Accelerated Ancient Salt® helps plump up the volume of fluid inside and outside of the cell, which in turn, cleans the liver, induces DNA repair, and detoxes the body of bad estrogens. It also helps with bile production, leading to optimal fat metabolism. During menopause liver health is paramount for balancing hormones and fat burning.

Accelerated Fast®

Not only does Accelerated Fast® suppress appetite so that the body can trigger autophagy, reduce inflammation and increase energy, but it also helps de-fat the liver, increase metabolism and reverse the hormonal decline. While taking Accelerated Fast®, you are able to intermittent fast which helps improve hormonal balance, heal the gut and optimize health.

Accelerated Thyroid®

Accelerated Thyroid® is a comprehensive thyroid supplement to help optimize thyroid function. It combines freeze-dried glandular, with thyroid supporting herbs for optimal thyroid health. Furthermore, it is enhanced with scalar frequencies programmed to detox the thyroid from radiation and heavy metals that may worsen menopause symptoms. As a result, it helps with menopausal weight gain, brain fog, and fatigue.

Accelerated Cogniblast®

Cogniblast® is a cutting-edge natural nootropic supplement that increases mental focus, energy, and memory in the short term and protects the brain from memory issues and declines long term. With menopause brain fog and cognition decline; taking Cogniblast® helps reverse the menopausal brain symptoms. It also improves mood, motivation, and organ function.

Sara Banta
Accelerated Health Products | + posts

Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.

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Hi, I’m Sara Banta!
I’m a certified natural supplement expert, podcaster, Health Coach, and natural wellness expert. Each week I publish articles on the latest in cutting-edge health supplements and natural health solutions. I also interview leading experts across a wide range of health topics to transform your body, mind & spirit. I’m also the Founder of Accelerated Health Products. Join my mailing list and receive 10% off your first order.