Constipation, diarrhea, bloat, indigestion, and gas.
These are topics that no one wants to talk about but affect at least 25% of women and 20% of men.
Pooping is a natural bodily function that plays an essential role in our overall health and wellbeing. It is the process of eliminating waste products from our digestive system, including undigested food, toxins, and other waste materials. However, many people may experience occasional constipation or may intentionally hold in their bowel movements due to various reasons.
What Really Happens to Your body When You Don't Poop?
Not pooping will have serious consequences for your overall health including:
Waste accumulation
The first and most obvious consequence of not pooping is that the waste material accumulates in your colon. This can lead to an uncomfortable feeling of fullness and bloating, which can be quite distressing. As the stool continues to build up, it can also lead to severe abdominal pain and discomfort.
Increased estrogen dominance
Estrobolome is the estrogen detoxifying microbiome; in other words, it is the aggregate of enteric bacterial genes whose products are capable of metabolizing estrogens. Its job is to help excrete and circulate estrogens out of the body. It can be affected by antibiotics, drugs, and diet. When you are constipated, the estrogen that is meant to pass through the gut and out with the feces, becomes reabsorbed into the body.
Bacterial flora imbalance
Not pooping can cause an imbalance in the natural bacterial flora of your gut, leading to digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal issues. The longer you go without pooping, the more toxins and waste products your body will absorb, which can affect your overall health and wellbeing.
Additional health & bowel issues
Moreover, chronic constipation can lead to a host of other problems, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and even rectal prolapse. When you strain to pass a bowel movement, the pressure can damage the delicate tissues of your rectum and anus, leading to painful conditions.
Fecal impaction
In severe cases, not pooping can lead to a condition known as fecal impaction, which occurs when the stool becomes so hard and compacted that it cannot be passed without medical intervention. This condition can cause extreme discomfort, pain, and even bowel obstruction, which requires emergency medical attention.
What is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, is a chronic digestive disorder that affects the large intestine. IBS symptoms include:
- Recurring pain in the abdomen
- Changes in bowel movements including diarrhea and constipation, or both
- Abdominal pain and stomach cramps
- Bloat
- The urgency for bowel movements
- Feelings of incomplete evacuation of bowels
Although these symptoms are uncomfortable, there is no visible sign of damage in the digestive tract. The following triggers could lead to IBS:
- Antibiotics
- Diary
- Processed Foods
- Medications
- Stress
- Hormone Imbalance
- Hypothyroidism
- Depression
- Fungus
- Vitamin D Deficiency
- Gut Microbiome
- Dehydration
- Lack of Electrolytes
MYTHS About How to Manage & Reverse IBS

Unfortunately, typical solutions to manage IBS symptoms fail to get to the root of the problem.
The following are myths about managing IBS that could make the problem worse.
High fiber diet
Fiber is helpful in the right amounts, but too much fiber can back up the colon, worsening constipation symptoms.
Laxatives can be a temporary solution but can weaken the colon muscles, so they become dependent on the laxative to produce a bowel movement. Furthermore, laxatives can lead to nutrient malabsorption, which then has a cascade of negative health effects.
Muscle relaxants
Muscle relaxants may help to relieve and prevent intestinal cramping; however, taking them can cause heartburn, constipation, dry mouth, and difficulty urinating.
Anti-diarrhea medications
Medications for those with diarrhea slow intestinal transit and reduce the frequency of bowel movements while improving the consistency of the stool. However, these medications may cause the following: Blistering, peeling, or loosening of skin; chest pain or discomfort; decrease in urine volume; decrease in the frequency of urination; difficulty in passing urine; fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse; hives or welts; itching, rash; or irregular or slow heartbeat.
Certain probiotics
Most probiotics consist of five to ten strains which could overpopulate the gut with too many of a few strains and not enough of others. This can actually worsen the balance of the microbiome, making IBS worse. Furthermore, SIBO, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, could be causing the IBS symptoms and can be worsened by probiotics.
There is some evidence suggesting that these medications can help treat IBS; however, they have many other side effects in addition to actually causing Leaky Gut, which can worsen gut issues, including IBS.
Turmeric is known for helping with a wide variety of gastrointestinal issues including reducing stomach pain and helping with bowel movement frequency. However, turmeric is a high-oxalate food, and oxalates can cause inflammation, hypothyroidism, urogenital issues, and more. Thus, in the long term, turmeric may actually make IBS symptoms worse.
Psyllium Husk
Psyllium husk is a soluble dietary fiber that helps clean the intestines by removing food waste and toxins from the body. Although psyllium husk has its benefits, it may cause constipation, bloat, and pain in certain individuals.
Best Supplements to Help Control IBS
The following IBS health protocol helps not only manage the symptoms of IBS but actually helps reverse the cause of IBS.
Accelerated Diet Cleanse
The Accelerated Diet Cleanse is the foundation of healing the gut, improving bowel movements, and reducing inflammation in the gut. The additional supplements and patches can work synergistically with the Accelerated Diet Cleanse to strengthen and quicken the results.
The following supplements in the cleanse work together to reduce inflammation in the gut and intestines, heal the mucosal lining, allow a rebalance of the gut microbiome, and help alleviate IBS symptoms.
Accelerated Colloidal Silver™
The Accelerated Silver helps devitalize the foreign pathogens that contribute to the disrupted gut, IBS symptoms, and compromised immune system.
Iodine is an essential trace mineral, not produced by the body. Studies have shown Iodine helps healthy gut bacteria flourish.
Acceleradine® is an essential iodine solution that helps reverse hypothyroidism, improve bowel movements, and improve hormonal balance that is associated with IBS. Furthermore, it helps kill viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites that could be contributing to IBS symptoms.
Accelerated Thyroid®
The thyroid is the master endocrine gland and affects the whole body. Constipation is associated with a sluggish thyroid. As the thyroid becomes optimized with Accelerated Thyroid™, constipation, and IBS symptoms may lessen. Moreover, Accelerated Thyroid™ is programmed with healing frequencies to detox the body from heavy metals and radiation that could be leading to IBS and gut dysbiosis.
Accelerated Cellular Detox® Powder
This gut superhero powder is a combination of six organic ingredients and is enhanced with scalar frequencies to help reduce bloat, diarrhea, and constipation, reduce inflammation in the intestines, soak up the toxins that contribute to IBS, and improve nutrient absorption.
Accelerated Fast™
Accelerated Fast™ aids in your ability to intermittent fast by suppressing appetite and teaching your body how to burn its own body fat for energy. As the body is fasting, it heals the gut, reducing inflammation in the intestines, killing the pathogens that may be contributing to IBS, and cleansing the liver gently. As a result, IBS symptoms subside quickly.
HerbsForever Laxa Comfort
Laxa Comfort helps relieve gassiness associated with undigested food, alleviates occasional constipation, and maintains regularity, and generally induces bowel movement within 6 to 8 hours.
QuintEssential 0.9
Proper minerals, electrolytes, and hydration are needed for normal bowel movements; Quintessential 0.9 provides the exact same consistency of minerals as the body’s blood plasma and helps it achieve perfect cellular hydration. This aids in healing the gut and producing proper bowel movements.
Liver Flush Kit
IBS can be worsened by a backed-up, sluggish liver, “hot” bile from the gallbladder, and toxins from food and the environment.
The Liver Flush Kit softens liver and gallstones and expels them from the liver into the toilet. This increases metabolism, fat burning, and energy in addition to alleviating IBS symptoms.
Global Healing Oxy-Powder
Oxy-Powder provides digestive and detox support while helping proper bowel function. It provides gentle natural bowel relief for those who struggle with constipation or those on detoxification programs.
Accelerated Leaky Gut Bundle
The Accelerated Leaky Gut Bundle is the only supplement bundle created by a certified supplement expert to help recondition and maintain a healthy gut microbiome, support microbial diversity, and short-chain fatty acid production. As a result, IBS symptoms subside. Supplements in the Leaky Gut Bundle include:
This is different from a probiotic; it reconditions the gut by promoting microbial diversity and maintaining good gut bacteria without reseeding it with probiotic strains that cannot survive digestion like most.
This is designed to selectively feed beneficial bacteria, increase microbial diversity and reinforce the beneficial changes created by MegaSpore.
This helps support a healthy mucosal lining and heal the tight junctions that are associated with Leaky Gut.
Mega IgG2000 is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion, detoxification, and gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins, this is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.
Dr Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1
Dr Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1 promotes healthy bowel function by stimulating and strengthening the colon muscles. This super formula also helps Improve Digestion and Elimination, Stimulates and Strengthens the muscular movement of the colon, and cleanses and detoxifies your body of accumulated waste.
This is a non-habit-forming laxative that produces complete bowel movements within 6-12 hours.
Magnesium Breakthrough
Magnesium not only helps hydrate the cells, but also helps reduce stress, improve sleep, and alleviate constipation. Magnesium Breakthrough includes all 7 types of magnesium specifically formulated to reach every tissue in the body.
Recommended IBS Dietary & Lifestyle Changes

Eliminate Processed Foods, Dairy, and Grains
Processed food, dairy and grains are inflammatory and may cause of Leaky Gut. They rip holes in the intestinal lining, affect nutrient absorption, and worsen bloat and constipation. The effects of these foods make IBS symptoms dramatically worse.
Eat Wild Animal Protein
Focusing on consuming wild animal protein like bison, lamb, and wild fish will not only provide the essential nutrients needed but also won’t trigger gut dysbiosis or IBS. On the other hand, meats such as chicken, turkey, and pork contain amyloid proteins. These proteins have been shown to encourage gut pathogens to wreak havoc on the system. Moreover, the amyloid proteins can’t be broken down into usable amino acids for the muscles and tissues, and they can be deposited in the brain causing dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Eat Some Foods With Caution
Foods that contain SULFUR or OXALATES could cause issues related to IBS. They are known to back up the liver detox pathways, inflame the gut and tissues throughout the body, and slow down thyroid function. Read here for the Food Guide to help reverse IBS
Studies show that not only does regular exercise alleviate anxiety and mood disorders, which can make IBS symptoms worse, but it also stimulates the bowel muscles to help with more consistent bowel movements. Furthermore, exercise helps encourage better sleep, less stress, and improved gastrointestinal health; all of these factors help with IBS symptoms.
Reduce stress
Stress makes IBS symptoms worse. Incorporating stress-reducing activities like journaling, meditation, prayer, yoga, breathing exercises, and walking are just a few ways to manage stress and improve IBS issues.
Stay hydrated
Hydration is imperative to help with IBS, but hydration isn’t just about water- it is about electrolytes as well.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.
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- Sara Banta
- Sara Banta
- Sara Banta