- Sara, Help! I Fell off the wagon! This summer I completely blew it… I ate and drank way too much and didn’t have time to exercise consistently… I am bloated, feel sluggish, and am totally inflamed — my body hurts… ughhh. As soon as I started going downhill, I stopped everything you told me to do… I can’t even put my rings on my fingers — they are so swollen!”
Summer: The Season Where Routines Are Nonexistent
With kids out of school, beach weather, family vacations, etc — it is really difficult to stay “on track” with your health during the summer. Should you give up? No.
Fall is the season to get “Back on the Wagon” and prepare your immune system to fight off the many viruses and bacteria that are about to surface during the coming Fall and Winter months. In addition to needing to detox from the “junk” we put in our bodies over summer, many of us feel more joint pain and arthritis as the weather starts to change. Inflammation from the extra sugar, etc. in our body, combined with colder weather, arthritic pain worsens, as John Bergman explains here. As you start the detox process, you will reduce inflammation throughout the body, bypassing the typical weather-induced joint pain, in addition to strengthening the immune system, increasing metabolism, and reversing all of the metabolic disease factors.
Why Do We Feel So Bad Coming Off Of a Season of Bad Diet and Inconsistent Exercise?
As you are eating and drinking foods that include sugar, gluten, alcohol, and excess carbs, your body becomes addicted to sugar and needs more of it to sustain the feeling of “normalcy”. Your blood sugar is on a roller coaster, and only a constant source of carbs will keep your energy from crashing.
However, your body is also then in a constant state of Inflammation throughout its whole system. You know where your Inflammation causes the most havoc in your own body — everyone has their weakness. For me, the Inflammation goes straight to my brain where I had head trauma from my car accident. For others, it may be knee pain, back pain, or arthritic stiffness in hands or feet. Not only does inflammation causes pain and arthritis, but it also leads to a sluggish metabolism and increased fat storage in the body.
Additionally, it inflames the brain and causes brain fog, water retention, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (diarrhea or constipation). A domino effect of negative symptoms that make us feel out of control.
When You Start Other Detox Programs, You Usually Will Feel Worse Before You Feel Better.
Why? Sugar truly is a drug — At least four times more addictive than Cocaine! When you stop eating it, your body is searching for that quick fuel that sugar and carbs provide. So, until you run out of the glucose stores in your body, and flip the switch to burning fat, you may experience “flu-like symptoms”.
When you eliminate these addictive foods and drinks, you may initially have uncomfortable detox symptoms like feeling achy, irritability, nausea, headaches, brain fog, constipation, hunger, itchy skin, fatigue, and sleep difficulties.
All of That Is Normal… But, How Do We Make It Easier?
My Fall Season Quick Detox Plan
The beauty of my formula is it’s gentle, quick and helps bypass the yucky feeling you get from most detoxification programs; in other words, DAY ONE you feel amazing.
Together, these supplements DETOX your Body comfortably, preparing it for the REBUILD process to enhance your overall Health and Immune System:
- MegaPre™: is the first Precision Prebiotic™supplement made up of clinically tested, non-digestible oligosaccharides that can increase microbial diversity and selectively feed beneficial bacteria like Akkermansia muciniphila, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Bifidobacteria.MegaPre™ reinforces the beneficial microbial changes created by MegaSporeBiotic™ to promote a strong and diverse microbiome.
- MegaSporeBiotic™: is a probiotic blend of 5 Bacillus spores that have been shown to maintain a healthy gut barrier and immune function. The bi-phasic life cycle of the Bacillus spores allows them to remain dormant in harsh environments until they reach more favorable environments like the human gastrointestinal tract. Once inside the large intestine, these dormant spores can change into their active, vegetative forms and begin colonizing in the gut. This unique probiotic blend aims to recondition the gut instead of reseeding with probiotic strains that cannot survive digestion or colonize the gut.MegaSporeBiotic™ helps control the “bad” bacteria and grow the “good” bacteria. It has been shown to help with E. Coli, Salmonella, H. Pylori and more.
- MegaMucosa™: The mucosal system is a very important part of the human immune system. The mucosal system in the intestines contains 150 times more surface area than skin, which makes it an essential element of the immune system that supports healthy immune function. Is the first complete mucosal support supplement of its kind, formulated to support a healthy mucosal barrier. Also contains dairy-free immunoglobulins clinically shown to support a healthy immune system in the mucosa and a state-of-the-art flavobiotic shown to support microbial diversity and short-chain fatty acid production.
MegaMucosa™ includes: Immunoglobulins: ImmunoLin is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion, detoxification, and intestinal barrier function. - Amino Acids: There are four key amino acids that play an important role in the production of the intestinal mucosa: L-proline, L-serine, L-cysteine, and L-threonine. These four amino acids have been shown to support mucin production and maintain mucin synthesis in the colon, resulting in a thick and healthy mucosal barrier.
- Accelerated Cellular Detox Powder®: Soaks up the Toxins and carries it gently through the intestinal tract, easing the burden on the liver and kidneys, while also helping with Bloat, and Regularity.
- Ola Loa ENERGY Multi Vitamin Drink: Is a delicious all-natural effervescent multi-vitamin-mineral-amino powder that provides quick recovery for stress, sports and the rigors of daily life. It is the first multivitamin-mineral-amino acid supplement to combine advanced nutrition research into a convenient “drink your vitamins” delivery system. Ola Loa ENERGY is recommended as a once a day multi-vitamin, great for natural energy production and anti-oxidant protection. Providing hard to get nutrients like TMG, NAC and CoQ10, plus vitamins A through K, 1000 mg of Vitamin C, 90 mineral complexes and 6 amino acids, Ola Loa’s nutrients are pleasing to taste and provide almost instant benefits.
- Laxa Komfort: For Constipation. If you are not having 2-3 bowel movements a day, you are considered constipated.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.