Health, Hormones, and Vibrational Healing on B.rad Podcast

by Sara Banta | Sep 16, 2021 | Podcasts

Brad Kearns discusses health, hormones and vibrational healing with Sara Banta on the B.rad Podcast. For the full show notes, click here.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • The importance of “increasing your frequency” and boosting your immune function
  • Hormone dysregulation caused by toxic environmental influences 
  • Toxic metals (how they get into our systems and the most effective way of detoxing from them)
  • How environmental pollutants are taking a serious toll on male and female fertility 
  • How to identify and treat the source of the problem (and not just the symptoms)
  • Why not all “healthy” food is actually healthy for you

Brad Kearns, 56, is a New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record setting professional Speedgolfer, #3 world-ranked Masters age 55-59 track&field high jumper, and former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete.

Brad hosts the B.rad podcast, covering healthy living, peak performance, and personal growth with his carefree style and lively sense of humor. Brad promotes a nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle transformation program he calls the “MOFO Mission,” designed to optimize male hormone function in order to maintain passion and competitive intensity throughout life.

Sara Banta
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Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.

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Hi, I’m Sara Banta!
I’m a certified natural supplement expert, podcaster, Health Coach, and natural wellness expert. Each week I publish articles on the latest in cutting-edge health supplements and natural health solutions. I also interview leading experts across a wide range of health topics to transform your body, mind & spirit. I’m also the Founder of Accelerated Health Products. Join my mailing list and receive 10% off your first order.