When it comes to building muscle and shedding fat, the concepts of bulking and cutting are key strategies. Let me break it down for you.
Bulking is all about gaining muscle mass. During this phase, you eat a surplus of calories, which fuels your workouts and supports muscle growth. The goal is to lift heavy, eat plenty of protein, and not worry too much about gaining a bit of fat along the way. The extra calories give your body the energy it needs to build muscle efficiently.
Personally, I love the feeling of getting stronger and seeing my muscles grow, even if it means my clothes feel a bit tighter.
Cutting, on the other hand, is about trimming the fat while maintaining that hard-earned muscle. You’ll shift to a calorie deficit, meaning you eat fewer calories than you burn. The focus here is on maintaining high protein intake, keeping your workouts intense, and adding in some cardio to help burn fat.
For me, cutting is all about discipline and patience. It’s incredibly satisfying to watch the muscle definition emerge as the fat melts away, revealing the results of all that hard work.
But, can you maximize your muscle growth without gaining fat? Yes, you can with the following strategies.
80 percent of the formula comes through diet and supplementation; 20 percent is engaging in the right workouts.
Hacks to Maximize Muscle Growth While Minimizing Fat Storage
Prioritize Protein
Protein is a powerhouse when it comes to building muscle and burning fat simultaneously. Here’s how it works:
Muscle Building: Protein provides the essential amino acids your body needs to repair and grow muscle tissue after exercise. When you lift weights or engage in resistance training, you create tiny tears in your muscle fibers. Consuming protein helps repair these tears, leading to muscle growth and increased strength. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate, because muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue.
Fat Burning: Protein helps with fat loss in several ways.
Firstly, it has a high thermic effect, meaning your body burns more calories digesting protein compared to fats and carbohydrates.
Secondly, protein helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing overall calorie intake and helping you stick to your diet.
Additionally, when you’re in a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn), consuming enough protein ensures your body uses fat stores for energy rather than breaking down muscle tissue.
In short, protein supports muscle growth by providing the necessary building blocks for repair and growth, while also aiding fat loss by boosting metabolism, increasing satiety, and preserving muscle mass during a calorie deficit. This dual action makes protein an essential component of any fitness regimen aimed at simultaneously building muscle and burning fat. The goal is to consume 1 gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass.
Not all protein is the same. Vegan proteins tend to not assimilate as well as animal protein, and dairy protein may cause inflammation or gut issues in some people. Furthermore, animal proteins including chicken, turkey, pork, and conventionally raised beef contain inflammatory linoleic acid and omega 6 fatty acids that could cause inflammatory water retention and fat gain. Furthermore, these proteins contain amyloids which are misfolded proteins that cannot be broken down into usable amino acids to build or repair muscle. That isn’t the only issue; these amyloids can trigger gut dysbiosis, cognitive decline and other organ degradation. If the gut is compromised, this will further inhibit protein synthesis and encourage fat gain.
Wild animal protein is not only the easiest to digest and assimilate for muscle repair and growth, but also it provides the most nutrient dense profile out of any other food on the planet.
Fat-Burning Proteins to Focus On
Wild Animal Proteins
Wild animal proteins provide essential nutrients and trigger a thermic effect, burning 25% of the calories consumed. They also help curb sugar cravings and suppress appetite. Examples include bison, elk, deer, lamb, Cornish game hen, and wild cold-water fish. This should be the focus of the diet to maximize muscle growth and minimize fat storage simultaneously. Not only does this protein provide easily digestible protein, but it also provides vitamins and minerals to support energy, muscle growth, and overall optimal health.
Aim for 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, consume 150 grams of protein.
Essential Amino Acids
Supplementing with essential amino acids, like MAP, allows you to support increased muscle gains without the usual fat gain that comes with it. One serving of MAP only has 2 calories and the equivalent amino acids found in 30 grams of whey protein.
Fat-Storing Proteins to Stay Away From
Vegan Protein
Vegan sources of protein don’t provide the full spectrum of essential amino acids. For amino acids to be assimilated into the body and utilized for muscle repair, they have to be in a specific ratio at the time of consumption for that to happen; vegan proteins fail to do this. As a result, not only do the amino acids fail to effectively build muscle, but the “leftover” amino acids get converted into fat. Soy is loaded with glyphosate and GMOs and can increase the “wrong” estrogen in the body. Peas are prone to mold, which can trigger inflammation, leaky gut, and other issues.
Protein Powders, Vegan Proteins, and Bars
Most protein powders turn about 80% of their content into sugars, leading to both fat and muscle gain. Unlike animal protein, which has a thermic effect that uses up 25% of protein calories for digestion, protein powders are easily digestible and lack this benefit. They often contain artificial ingredients that can cause inflammation, strain the liver, and hinder nutrient absorption. Many protein shakes and bars use whey, pea, and soy proteins.
These proteins only use about 18% of their amino acids to create new proteins, with the rest converted to sugar. They can cause inflammation, increase estrogen levels, lead to leaky gut, and trigger allergies. Whey and Casein are derived from dairy, which is a common allergen.
BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids)
While BCAAs include only 3 of the essential amino acids, the body needs all 20 amino acids to produce protein effectively. Consequently, BCAAs are mostly converted into sugar, which not only fails to build muscle efficiently but can also lead to fat storage.
Conventional Meats
Chicken, beef, turkey, and pork contain high levels of omega-6 fats and amyloid proteins, which can lead to inflammation, fat storage, and various health issues. Amyloids are misfolded proteins that not only don’t get broken down into usable amino acids for muscle growth, but they also get deposited in the brain and other tissues which accelerate cognitive decline, proliferation of gut pathogens, and more. In other words, these proteins don’t build the muscle you are looking for and can trigger fat gain and chronic disease.
Farm-Raised Fish
Just like the conventionally raised meats above, these fish are often fed genetically modified corn and soy, leading to increased fat storage and poor mitochondrial health. As a result, they have high amounts of linoleic acid and toxicity which will encourage fat gain and not muscle growth.
Cut out Processed Foods
Even “organic healthy” packaged foods have been processed which alters how they assimilate in the body. They may have some artificial ingredients or even “healthy” ingredients containing oxalates, mold, or sulfur that trigger your body to store fat and lower ATP production. Be wary of “all natural” ingredients in anything that comes in a package.
Strategically Eat Whole Food Carbs
By saving most of your carbs till dinner, you may benefit from heightened fat burning during the day, better sleep and stored energy for your workout the next morning. The carbs should come from the fruits and vegetables on the Accelerated Food Guide.
Lift Heavy Weights
Although caloric burn may be lower during the weight lifting workout versus a cardio session, it will increase muscle growth, which in turn, increases ATP and mitochondria production in the muscle tissue, which leads to a great amount of energy burned after the workout. Furthermore, lifting weights won’t strain the adrenals like cardio can, especially for perimenopausal and menopausal women.
Use Cardio Strategically, Not Always
Cardio sessions can help bump up the caloric burn temporarily; however, if it is being used daily, the body will eventually slow down the metabolism to match the increased cardio burn. Then, when you don’t do cardio, your body will be prone to store fat more easily.
Use Caffeine
A study (PMID: 2333832) showed that caffeine can increase blood glycerol levels 5-10 times and blood free fatty acids 40-60 times, depending on the caffeine amount. This indicates that caffeine helps break down fat. But does it mean caffeine makes us lose fat? Not exactly. Fat loss involves two steps: removing fat from the fat cell (which caffeine helps with) and burning that fat for energy. To actually burn the fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit or exercise. To achieve this, use caffeine as a pre-workout combined with Accelerated Ancient Salt for increased cellular energy, fat burn and hydration.
Your body stores fat as triglycerides in fat cells, or adipocytes. A triglyceride consists of three fatty acid chains attached to a glycerol backbone. Imagine three long sticks (the fatty acids) attached to an oval top (the glycerol backbone) to visualize it. Lipolysis is the process of breaking down body fat by removing each fatty acid from the glycerol backbone.
Supplements to Enhance Muscle Growth While Burning Fat
Acceleradine® Iodine
This iodine supplement addresses iodine deficiency, which affects mitochondrial function and reduces ATP production, leading to a sluggish metabolism and fat gain. It boosts ATP production, supports cellular detoxification, and helps remove harmful substances from cells. As a result, the body increases its fat oxidation, its detoxification from toxins that cause fat gain and improves muscle protein synthesis.
Accelerated Fast
These ingredients in Accelerated Fast may boost ATP production in mitochondria, speed up metabolism, and aid in weight loss. They specifically target the dangerous belly fat and liver fat. The ingredients also help cleanse the liver, optimizing thyroid function, and promoting fat metabolism.
MAP Essential Amino Acids
MAP provides pure essential amino acids in the precise ratio your body needs to build new proteins, making it 99% efficiently utilized. One serving of MAP is equivalent to 30 grams of whey protein but contains only 2 calories, compared to 120 calories in a typical whey protein serving. It’s the only protein source that allows you to increase muscle mass without adding extra water or fat, making it perfect for achieving a “lean bulk.”
Thorne Creatine
Creatine is known for its effectiveness in promoting muscle growth. It works by increasing the availability of ATP, the energy currency of cells, which enhances strength and endurance during high-intensity workouts. This allows for more intense and prolonged training sessions, leading to greater muscle mass over time.
Additionally, creatine helps draw water into muscle cells, which can improve muscle size and fullness. It’s a well-researched supplement that offers a safe and effective way to boost muscle growth and athletic performance.
Accelerated Thyroid®
This natural thyroid supplement supports thyroid function, detoxification, and overall hormonal balance. As the thyroid and metabolism are optimized, fat oxidation is increased and energy to have better workouts is improved. It contains grass-fed thyroid glandular, essential peptides, amino acids, and nutrients for thyroid health. Accelerated Thyroid is enhanced with Scalar frequencies to help restore optimal thyroid function.
Thyroid Fixxr
Thyroid Fixxr is a T2-based supplement that helps increase fat burn without the jitters or affecting your T3 and T4 levels. It is the perfect complement to Acceleradine iodine and Accelerated Thyroid for thyroid health.
Healthy Gut HCL Guard™
As we age, our stomachs can struggle to digest proteins essential for muscle health, hair, skin, and overall cell maintenance. HCL Guard™ is a stomach support supplement designed to tackle various stomach issues like constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, bloating, and more. In addition to maximizing protein assimilation into the muscles, it also helps with hair, skin, and nail health, mood swings, and low energy levels. It works by providing enough stomach acid to break down food, unravel proteins for enzymes to work, activate the enzyme Pepsin, and increase the absorption of dietary protein. As protein synthesis is improved, muscle gains are optimized.
Accelerated Ancient Salt
One hour of exercise depletes 1/2 tsp of salt from the body; this is why it is essential to supplement with salt during a workout. Furthermore, salt is crucial for expelling toxins that cause fat gain from cells, bringing in nutrients, and supporting the sodium-potassium pump. As the toxins are released from the fat cells, the fat cells are able to shrink and “let go” of the toxins inhibiting fat loss. Plus, sodium and iodine (in singlet atom form) are essential for the Sodium-Iodide Symporter, which is used in thyroid hormone production. Without enough sodium and iodine, your thyroid hormone production can suffer which affects your energy, muscle protein synthesis, and fat metabolism.
Accelerated Ancient Salt® helps restore normal body fluids (rehydration) and eases detox symptoms from any detox protocol. It contains over 62 minerals and is free from microplastics, chemicals, and contaminants. Enhanced with scalar frequencies, it aids in detoxing from radiation and heavy metals and helps increase blood volume to flush toxins out of your body.
Sara Banta’s Accelerated Liver Flush Cleanse
The liver is where fat and protein are broken down and metabolized; if the liver is clogged, then more fat is stored and less protein is feeding the muscle growth you are looking for. Furthermore, a clogged liver will inhibit thyroid hormone conversion, which will slow down metabolism further.
To Optimize liver function, doing the Liver Cleanse 4-6 times a year is necessary due to the level of toxins in our modern world.
The Liver Cleanse supplements work together to provide a comprehensive detox for your liver and gallbladder. Here’s how they can transform your health:
- Optimize Fat and Protein Metabolism: It improves the breakdown and usage of fat for energy and protein for muscle growth.
- Flush Out Gallstones: Naturally remove gallstones, reducing pain, cramps, and inflammation.
- Reduce Fatty Liver: 45% of the adult population now suffer from fatty liver disease, which is connected to insulin resistance, heart disease, and dementia. The cleanse will help significantly decrease fatty liver.
- Lower Liver Enzymes: Decrease AST and ALT liver enzyme counts, indicating improved liver health.
- Repair Liver Cells: Replace damaged liver cells with healthy ones, reversing fatty liver disease and restoring liver function.
- Detoxify: Eliminate thousands of toxins and pollutants, reversing damage from drugs and alcohol.
- Reduce Cholesterol: Flush out unhealthy cholesterol deposits, enhancing cardiovascular health.
- Clear Obstructions: Open up blockages in the liver and gallbladder, ensuring smooth bile flow.
- Boost Immunity: Strengthen your immune system, helping your body fight off illnesses more effectively.
- Regenerate Liver and Gallbladder: Support the regeneration of these vital organs, promoting long-term health and vitality.
By focusing on whole food sources and high-quality supplements, you can maximize muscle growth while not gaining fat.
Many experts believe it is impossible to gain muscle without gaining a little fat simultaneously; with the strategies mentioned above, not only is this possible, but it is easy and effective for men and women.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.