Our thyroids are under attack by multiple factors, and one more is now in the news: Organophosphate ester.
According to a new study, exposure to organophosphate ester (OPE) metabolites, a newer group of widely used chemical flame retardants, is linked to a higher risk for thyroid disease, bis(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (BCEP) being the main contributor.
Previous research has shown that organophosphate esters (OPEs), found in building materials, electronics, furniture, and textiles, may disrupt thyroid function, suggesting a link to thyroid disease. A study analyzed data from the 2011-2014 US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, including 2,449 participants with complete OPE metabolite measurements and thyroid disease questionnaires.
Among these, 228 reported a history of thyroid disease. Results indicated a 57% higher risk of thyroid disease in those with the highest BCEP exposure compared to the lowest. Mixed OPE metabolites also showed an increased risk, with BCEP being the most significant factor. Another model displayed a J-shaped relationship between BCEP levels and thyroid disease risk. The study consistently found that higher OPE exposure correlates with an increased risk of thyroid disease, particularly due to BCEP.
Signs of Thyroid Issues
Over the past four years, hypothyroidism has become much more common. The thyroid is the master endocrine gland, and when it’s not working properly, it can lead to organ failure, a weakened immune system, and chronic diseases. Taking care of your thyroid is crucial.
Here are some signs of thyroid disease to watch for:
- Low energy
- Hair loss
- Thinning eyebrows
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Anxiety and depression
- Weight gain
- Constipation
- Dry skin
- Headaches
- Brittle, ridged nails
- Fluid retention
- Cold intolerance
- Puffy face and swollen eyelids
- Poor circulation
- Thickening of elbow skin
- Poor concentration and memory
- Decreased libido
- Numbness
Causes of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a growing issue with multiple contributing factors. Here are the top causes:
- Iodine Deficiency: Essential for producing thyroid hormones, iodine deficiency is the leading cause of hypothyroidism. Shockingly, 96% of the US population is iodine deficient.
- Iodine Disruptors: Environmental toxins like fluoride, bromide, chlorine, and perchlorate interfere with iodine uptake, worsening thyroid function.
- Endocrine Disruptors: Chemicals such as pesticides, BPA in plastics, and industrial toxins disrupt endocrine function, including the thyroid.
- Heavy Metals: Lead and mercury exposure can impair thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion.
- Perfluorinated Compounds: Found in non-stick cookware and waterproofing agents, these chemicals affect thyroid hormone levels.
- Radiation: Exposure to radiation from medical treatments or environmental sources can lead to thyroid dysfunction and an increased risk of thyroid cancer.
Given these factors, it’s crucial to take steps to protect and support thyroid health.
Iodine For Thyroid Health
Iodine is an essential mineral that is no longer available in our modern-day diet due to soil depletion and radio contamination of most iodine sources. However, by supplementing with iodine at high doses, the body can “kick out” these other toxins like organophosphates, and prevent more from taking hold in the body. This is due to a concept called “Halogen Displacement”
Halogen Displacement Explained
Remember high school chemistry? The halogen group includes fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine. Iodine, being the heaviest, is essential for thyroid health. However, lighter halogens like fluorine, chlorine, and bromine can displace iodine in the body due to their similar outer electron shell structure, which allows them to occupy the same receptor sites.
The opposing theory is called Competitive Inhibition.
Competitive Inhibition means that heavier elements, like iodine, can displace lighter ones in the same group when present in high doses. Hence, supplementing with high doses of iodine is crucial to forcefully displace these lighter halogens from the thyroid and other body parts, maintaining proper thyroid function in an iodine-deficient world.
Iodine has other benefits including:
- It helps detox all 100 trillion cells in the body of heavy metals, toxins, and radiation- not just cells in the thyroid
- It displaces fluoride, chlorine, and bromide from the cells that lead to hypothyroidism, lowered cellular energy and other chronic disease
- It cleanses the blood so the liver can function optimally
- It helps regulate hormones and alleviate estrogen dominance
- By high dosing iodine, the iodine is “displacing” the toxins and preventing new toxins from attaching to cells’ receptor sites
- It may help alleviate the damage done by the Spike Protein, which has been connected to causing worsened hypothyroid symptoms
Acceleradine® Iodine
Acceleradine® iodine is the most effective iodine supplement for hypothyroidism due to many factors:
- Acceleradine® has a negative charge and hence attracts and binds heavy metals and positively charged toxins which are removed from the body optimally
- It is the only single atom of iodine, easily absorbed by all of the cells in the body. This can help provide sufficient iodine for proper metabolism and fat burning. Iodine in the form of “I-” like Acceleradine can achieve up to 100 percent versus the 10 to 20 percent that most other iodine supplements achieve
Accelerated Thyroid®
Accelerated Thyroid® is designed to complement Acceleradine® iodine and is the most comprehensive natural thyroid supplement available. Here’s why it’s exceptional:
Ingredients and Benefits:
- Grass-Fed Thyroid Glandular: Provides essential peptides, amino acids, and nutrients for thyroid health.
- Kanchanara (Ancient Ayurvedic Herb): Known for detoxifying and supporting thyroid function.
- Additional Amino Acids: Essential for optimizing thyroid performance.
Enhanced with Scalar Frequencies to:
- Clear emotional and physical shock from the body
- Improve overall thyroid health
- Detoxify halogens, heavy metals, and radiation
- Balance the thyroid and parathyroid
Additional Health Benefits from the Ingredients:
- Prevents fatty liver
- Accelerates wound healing
- Strengthens connective tissue and bones
- Elevates mood
- Enhances digestion
- Supports B12 production
This powerful combination of ingredients and scalar frequencies ensures comprehensive support for your thyroid, promoting overall well-being.
Sara Banta’s Accelerated Liver Flush Cleanse: A Vital Step in Detoxification
The liver is crucial for detoxifying your body, especially from harmful substances like organophosphate esters. When you incorporate the Accelerated Liver Flush with Accelerated Thyroid® and Acceleradine® iodine, your metabolism gets a boost, your thyroid functions optimally, and toxins are prevented from being absorbed into any of your 100 trillion cells.
Dietary Considerations
The food you eat can help optimize your health or be a detriment. Below are the foods to focus on for optimal metabolism, fat burning, energy, and thyroid health.
Prioritize Wild Animal Protein
To effectively burn fat, it’s crucial to prioritize wild animal protein in your diet. Here’s why:
- fRich Nutrient Profile: Wild animal protein is incredibly nutrient-dense, especially in a world where soil depletion affects the nutritional value of food.
- Muscle Support: It promotes lean muscle growth, which is essential for a strong metabolism since muscle tissue contains more mitochondria and ATP, necessary for energy production and fat burning.
- Blood Sugar Stability: Consuming wild animal protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels and improves insulin sensitivity.
- Consistent Energy: When combined with the right amount of carbohydrates, it provides sustained and stable energy levels.
- Detoxification Support: Free from sulfur, oxalates, lectins, or histamines, wild animal protein supports optimal detoxification pathways and enhances metabolism.
- Metabolic Boost: Wild animal protein increases the thermic effect of food, prompting the body to ramp up metabolism to metabolize protein effectively, burning up to 25% of the calories just through digestion.
Appetite Regulation: It helps regulate a healthy appetite and reduces cravings for unhealthy sugars and processed foods that slow down metabolism.
Avoid Sulfur-Rich Vegetables
Steer clear of sulfur-containing vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, onions, garlic, and egg yolks. These can overload your body’s sulfur detox pathways, slow down metabolism, and worsen histamine responses. Be cautious of hidden sulfur in medications and supplements.
Steer Clear of Amyloid Proteins
Avoid foods containing amyloid proteins such as chicken, pork, turkey, and conventionally raised beef. Amyloids can contribute to endotoxins, histamine intolerance, and oxalate formation, and promote the growth of Spike Protein, leading to inflammation, slow thyroid, gut issues, pathogenic load, and insulin dysregulation.
Eliminate Oxalate-Rich Foods
Remove oxalate-rich foods like spinach, almonds, berries, kale, and most nuts from your diet. Oxalates can slow down thyroid function, metabolism, and fat burning. Reducing oxalates can also alleviate histamine responses and enhance sulfur detoxification.
Reduce Histamine-Rich Foods
By excluding high histamine foods such as bone broth, avocados, dairy, fermented foods, and alcohol, you can reduce the histamine burden on your body, allowing your digestive system to heal and promoting insulin regulation. This helps alleviate symptoms associated with slow metabolism and fatigue.
Limit Fat Intake
Minimize polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in your diet, especially from processed foods, as they can impair metabolism, disrupt gut health, increase endotoxins, and hinder progress. PUFAs remain in the body for over six years, causing long-lasting damage. Additionally, aim to keep overall fat intake below 30%, as consuming excess fat can prompt the body to store more fat, especially with the liver being overburdened with toxins.
The Reality of Toxin Exposure
In today’s polluted world, avoiding all toxin exposure is impossible. That’s why it’s crucial to do everything you can, including taking the right supplements, eating the right food, exercising, and prioritizing sleep to detox your body properly for optimal health. Your thyroid is the master endocrine gland, and if it doesn’t function properly, everything starts to fall apart! Supporting your thyroid and detoxifying your body ensures you maintain overall well-being and peak performance. So, prioritize your health and take proactive steps to keep your thyroid—and the rest of your body—in top shape.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.
- Sara Bantahttps://sarabantahealth.com/author/sarabanta/
- Sara Bantahttps://sarabantahealth.com/author/sarabanta/
- Sara Bantahttps://sarabantahealth.com/author/sarabanta/
- Sara Bantahttps://sarabantahealth.com/author/sarabanta/