An Honest Review of Accelerated Health Products

by Sara Banta | Apr 19, 2020 | Success Stories

“These products have completely turned my health around…”

I am writing this review to honestly and objectively give my opinion on the products at Accelerated Health, their customer service, and Sara, the owner.
15 years ago I was badly injured in a series of toxic chemical exposures in an industrial setting, along with the additional injuries which I sustained at the same time. I was given 3 years to live in 2007. Because I already had a healthy, organic diet, with LOTS of cilantro use, which removes heavy metals and purifies the blood, I lasted this long, though I was doing badly, even with all that.

2-3 months ago I happened to watch an amazing video of Sara and Jason Goodman talking about the benefits of Sara’s products. On a lark, I contacted Sara and gave her a brief overview of my issues, and though she’s not a doctor, and couldn’t give me medical advice, she said that she felt her products could help me regain my health, so I gave it a shot. I am SO GLAD I did, because I’m at a point health-wise, now, where I’m looking towards the future, and making plans. That wasn’t the case 2 months ago.

I cannot predict the outcomes for other folks, but for me, these products have completely turned my health around!! Today, I am resupplying my cupboard with these amazing products, because using them has turned my life around in such an amazing way, I can hardly believe it!!

Thank you, Sara: you are a blessing in my life! God bless you and yours!!”

— Jay J.

Sara Banta
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Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.

sara banta blog

Hi, I’m Sara Banta!
I’m a certified natural supplement expert, podcaster, Health Coach, and natural wellness expert. Each week I publish articles on the latest in cutting-edge health supplements and natural health solutions. I also interview leading experts across a wide range of health topics to transform your body, mind & spirit. I’m also the Founder of Accelerated Health Products. Join my mailing list and receive 10% off your first order.




Meet Daniel…

Meet Daniel…

Sara…Thanks to you I believe I will be able to fulfill what I have always perceived to be my life’s purpose, which is helping my family.

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