Headaches, Knee Pain, Immune System, Weight Loss & Energy — All Improved! …and HAPPY for the first time in a long time.
In April 2016, I met Sara Banta. She was going to be giving an informational talk at my office about some health products. I was hesitant to go, thinking, “Oh, this will be just another person that’s part of an MLM company trying to sell their products.” But, I had changed my thinking about food and health about 9 months prior, having given up all artificial sweeteners and processed foods and had been researching alternative cancer treatments. So, I was open to hearing what Sara had to say.
The day of her visit came but I, ironically, went home early due to a headache and missed hearing about her supplements. See, I have had what I think are Hormonal Headaches for at least 20 years. I used to get them every month, and they would last for 3 days…always 3 days, of incredible Sinus Pressure in the right side of my face and head. Several years ago, my doctor, never one to have any alternatives but to give me a drug, prescribed to me a birth control pill. These helped but only as long as I didn’t go off them for a week, like you’re supposed to do. Eventually, I stayed on them for months at a time, wanting to avoid that anticipated week when I would get a headache.
NOTHING Worked for my Headaches.
In addition to the headaches, I was Depressed and gradually let myself go, eating terribly, and sleeping all the time. When I gave up foods with Aspartame, I felt SO much better and began to feel a little more alive again. I started eating better and lost some weight. But I still got the headaches when I went off of The Pill.
The day after Sara’s presentation, I spoke with a co-worker who had gone to it, and they gave me an overview of what Sara had talked about and mentioned she was a Health Coach, and did group or one-on-one visits. I decided to give a one-on-one visit a try and tell her my story and health situation. I no longer had any faith in mainstream medical professionals to help me –so what did I have to lose?
That Visit with Sara Changed My Life Forever.
People say that about things all the time, and it sounds corny but it was so true in my case… She told me about Keto. So I decided to try that as well as the Oxylent. I also decided to go “all in” to improve my health and gave up taking the (birth control) pill and an antidepressant that I had been taking for several years, while starting with the Silver and Keto.
After the first week, I Felt Like a Different Person Mentally.
A fog had been lifted (that phrase is used a lot with KETO but it IS the best way to describe it), and I realized I actually felt Happy — I had faked that feeling for so long. A week went by and No Headache… Two weeks, then three weeks. I kept a food/feeling journal for over 2 months just in case the Headaches came back — It has now been 6 months, and they haven’t returned. In addition to that, my Knee Pain, which had been bothering me for the last 3 years, for no apparent reason (I had 2 Xrays and 1 MRI-again, and prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug which didn’t work) no longer hurt! AND I haven’t been Sick with Colds or anything since then either.
These Supplements will Forever be Part of my Daily Routine.
I am off ALL medications, have Lost 35 Pounds since I met Sara, and I have more Energy, Drive and Focus than I have had in over 20 years. I will forever ask Sara’s advice on any health issue that can be resolved through diet and supplements.
— Chris S.
Sara Banta
Sara Banta is a Stanford University Graduate with a Degree in Economics and Psychology, and a certified Natural Supplement Expert & Graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. Sara is the Founder of Accelerated Health Products and host of the health & wellness podcast, Accelerated Health Radio.